Saturday, April 28, 2012

REVIEW: Stop Pretending by Sonya Sones

Title: Stop Pretending: What Happened When My Big Sister Went Crazy
Author: Sonya Sones
1st Published: October 21st 1999
Page Count: Paperback, 160 pages
Finished Reading: April 28, 2012

Synopsis: This is Sones first novel-in-verse, and not only that it is also a autobiographical. This is the story writting in a diary like way, only it is is in verse about how her teenage sister has a mental breakdown and is taken to a mental hospital to be treated. Ever since her big sister is taken away, she has nothing left but memories of her sister before she was like this and how she acts now.

REVIEW: Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen

Title: Water for Elephants
Author: Sara Gruen
1st Published: May 26th 2006
Page Count: Massmarket, 445 pages
Finished Reading: April 28, 2012

Goodreads Synopsis: A novel of star-crossed lovers, set in the circus world circa 1932. When Jacob Jankowski, recently orphaned and suddenly adrift, jumps onto a passing train, he enters a world of freaks, grifters, and misfits, a second-rate circus struggling to survive during the Great Depression, making one-night stands in town after endless town. A veterinary student who almost earned his degree, Jacob is put in charge of caring for the circus menagerie. It is there that he meets Marlena, the beautiful young star of the equestrian act, who is married to August, the charismatic but twisted animal trainer. He also meets Rosie, an elephant who seems untrainable until he discovers a way to reach her.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

REVIEW: After by Amy Efaw

Title: After
Author: Amy Efaw
Date Published: August 11, 2009
Page Count: Hardcover, 350 pages
Year Read: April 10, 2012

Goodreads: An infant left in the trash to die. A teenage mother who never knew she was pregnant . . . Before That Morning, these were the words most often used to describe straight-A student and star soccer player Devon Davenport: responsible, hardworking, mature. But all that changes when the police find Devon home sick from school as they investigate the case of an abandoned baby. Soon the connection is made?Devon has just given birth; the baby in the trash is hers. After That Morning, there?s only one way to define Devon: attempted murderer.

Currently Reading:

The Battle of the Labyrinth
Smart Girls Think Twice
Summer at Tiffany
The Haunting of Hill House
Rot & Ruin

Geisha Cielos's favorite books »

Book Rating System

★★★★★ - It was AMAZING!! (WHY HAVEN'T YOU READ THIS?!?!?!
★★★★☆ - REALLY liked it (You must check it out!)
★★★☆☆ - Liked it (Of course... you'll most likely like this.)
★★☆☆☆ - It was okay (hmm... you may like this.)
★☆☆☆☆ - Didn't like it (Why did I read this? Who would like this?)

Manga/Comics Rating System.

- Story
- Art
- Character
- Enjoyment
- Overall

10 Outstanding
9 Great
8 Very Goodv 7 Good
6 Fair
5 Mediocre (not very good)
4 Decent
3 Poor
2 Dreadful
1 Pathetic
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