Thursday, April 2, 2015

Bookish Thought: Power Play by Danielle Steel.

TITLE: Power Play
AUTHOR: Danielle Steel
FIRST READ: March 2015
RATING: ★★★☆☆

REVIEW: THIS IS NOT A ROMANCE NOVEL THEREFORE NOT WHAT I EXPECTED AT ALL. I thought this was going to be a romance novel. You know two CEOs falling in love, and just dealing with it, and yeah I had a whole other idea of this book (I did not read a synopsis aside from the main quote that said: "Two Successful CEOs. Two brilliant power players. The only difference is that one is a man... and one is a woman... and the sacrifices they're willing to make to stay in the game." Aside from that I had no idea what this book was about), but this book is more about life, gender, and power. This was my first Danielle Steel novel, and I must say despite not being the book I thought it was. I couldn't stop reading. The story had me gripped and despite hating one of the main characters; I wanted to know what happened next. I think I would have loved this book more if it was just Fiona's story, and not so much Marshall's —just because I disliked him, and liked Fiona. The novel tells both their stories, and they sorta intertwine with each other, but most of the book (if felt) was about Marshall side of things. Overall it was a good book. Not sure if I would read it again, but the story will stay with me. ^^

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Book Rating System

★★★★★ - It was AMAZING!! (WHY HAVEN'T YOU READ THIS?!?!?!
★★★★☆ - REALLY liked it (You must check it out!)
★★★☆☆ - Liked it (Of course... you'll most likely like this.)
★★☆☆☆ - It was okay (hmm... you may like this.)
★☆☆☆☆ - Didn't like it (Why did I read this? Who would like this?)

Manga/Comics Rating System.

- Story
- Art
- Character
- Enjoyment
- Overall

10 Outstanding
9 Great
8 Very Goodv 7 Good
6 Fair
5 Mediocre (not very good)
4 Decent
3 Poor
2 Dreadful
1 Pathetic
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