Friday, August 21, 2015

#LGBTQIA+ Characters in Books I've read.

Books that I have read that have #LGBTQIA+ characters.*

❥ Everyday by David Levithan— Main character "A" has no gender.

❥ Empress of the World by Sara Ryan; about a girl named Nicola who ends up questioning her sexuality. ⠀

❥ Hard Love by Ellen Wittlinger; about a guy named John who falls for a girl through her poetry, and she happens to be a lesbian.

❥ Ask the Passengers by A.S King - Main character, Astrid Jones questions her sexuality

❥ The Vast Fields of Ordinary by Nick Burd - Main character, Dade deals with his sexuality, and questions his boyfriend's sexuality.

❥ Harry Potter Series — It's not mentioned but JK Rowling has confirmed that Dumbledore is a gay character

❥ Bare to You by Silvia Day [sexually explicit series] has two gay background characters; Mark and Steven who in my opinion are such a cute couple.

❥ I want it that Way' by Ann Aguirre - the main character's male roommate, Angus is gay, and her new female roommate, Courtney is Bi-sexual ... If I remember correctly, but Angus is a gay character, for sure.

❥ The Mortal Instruments Series — It may be a spoiler so I won't say who, but City of Bones has two male characters; one is gay one is possibly bi or pansexual. One is dealing with it, and the other seems to have accepted his sexuality. I have only read the first two books in the series, and both characters are in both books.

❥ The Percy Jackson Series — It slipped my mind, but this middle grade series has a male gay character. First appearance in The Titan's Curse.
*This post was inspired by a discussion video on YouTube titled, "LGBTQIA+ Books and the #BookTube Code of Silence" posted by: Things Lucy Reads.

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