Title: Stop Pretending: What Happened When My Big Sister Went Crazy
Author: Sonya Sones
1st Published: October 21st 1999
Page Count: Paperback, 160 pages
Finished Reading: April 28, 2012
Synopsis: This is Sones first novel-in-verse, and not only that it is also a autobiographical. This is the story writting in a diary like way, only it is is in verse about how her teenage sister has a mental breakdown and is taken to a mental hospital to be treated. Ever since her big sister is taken away, she has nothing left but memories of her sister before she was like this and how she acts now.
Author: Sonya Sones
1st Published: October 21st 1999
Page Count: Paperback, 160 pages
Finished Reading: April 28, 2012
Synopsis: This is Sones first novel-in-verse, and not only that it is also a autobiographical. This is the story writting in a diary like way, only it is is in verse about how her teenage sister has a mental breakdown and is taken to a mental hospital to be treated. Ever since her big sister is taken away, she has nothing left but memories of her sister before she was like this and how she acts now.