Title: As Long As You Love Me (2B Trilogy #2)
Author: Ann Aguirre
Read from February 14 to 19, 2015⠀
Rating: 🔑🔑🔑🔑 I ENJOYED IT!
Review: I liked this book just a bit more then the first: I want it that way; which told the love story of Nadia & Ty. As Long As You Love Me is the love story of the secondary characters Lauren (Nadia's Bestfriend), and Robert (Nadia's Brother) which was great cause I wondered what was going on with Lauren, and was interested to learn a bit more of Robert. And I just loved there relationship, and their story was great. What I love about Ann Aguirre's writing is that she makes you love side characters, and not only that her characters feel real. I just love it. Though I did want a bit more of the story, but then again I always want more when it comes to love stories.🙈 Overall I give it 4 stars or possibly 4.5 stars. 😘
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